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Sabtu, 16 April 2011

What's Anihub ??

Anihub is a new way to connect with the people who like anime. Here you'll find friends you know, new people to meet, groups to join and special spaces for your photos, artwork and more.

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About Yiruma

Yiruma is the stage name of I Ru-ma (born February 15, 1978), is a popular internationally known pianist and composer from South Korea. The name "Yiruma" means "accomplishment" in Korean.
Yiruma's piano music is expressive and introspective. He frequently performs at sold-out concerts in Asia, Europe and North America. His Alma Mater King's College in England helped him gain European popularity and recognition. Several of his most popular pieces include, "River Flows in You", "Kiss the Rain", and "Maybe". His most popular album "First Love" was released in 2001.
He began playing the piano at the age of five, and moved to London when he was 11, in 1988, to study at The Purcell School of Music . He possessed dual citizenship of South Korea and England until 2006. In 2006, he gave up his UK citizenship to serve in the Navy of South Korea.

I ru-ma was born in South Korea and was raised and educated in England. Yiruma began playing the piano at the age of five, and subsequently moved to London at the age of eleven (1988), to study at The Purcell School of Music. In December 1996 he participated in the album The Musicians of Purcell (Decca). Graduating from Purcell School of Music in July 1997, Yiruma continued his musical aspirations and completed a Composition major from King's College London in June 2000. While studying at Kings College, this promising pianist released his first album "Love Scene" through DECCA records. Additionally, during his time in college, he participated in a musical tour in Europe. Making a historical impact for his country, Yiruma was the first Korean artist to receive an invitation to perform at the 2002 MIDEM in Cannes, France. Early in his career, his albums were released in Europe and Asia, they are now available internationally through various online sources such as Itunes, Amazon, and Yiruma's recording label STOMP Records. In 2001 he released his most popular album to date, "First Love". His #1 selling song "River Flows in You" was on this album and since 2001 this song has been released on two other albums (First Love [Repackaged] and Wedding Essentials: The Ceremony) Yiruma released his third album, From The Yellow Room in 2003. Pre-order sales topped 30,000 copies and the album was top-ranked on many popular music charts, including Yes24, Phono, and Hot Tracks. His 12-city Korean tour was a sellout, as well as his November concert at the Seoul National Arts Center.
His fourth album is POEMUSIC. In 2006, the following year, he composed a main theme song for a popular KBS drama, Spring Waltz. In his fifth album, h.i.s monologue, he utilized prepared piano. Yiruma has composed soundtracks for musicals, films and plays. While being internationally successful in the world music industry, Yiruma dutifully decided to fulfill his South Korean patriotic duty of serving his country. Hence, in 2006 he gave up his United Kingdom citizenship and enlisted in the Republic of Korea Navy. After satisfying his national duty in the Korean Navy, he began the 2008 Yiruma Come Back Tour, Ribbonized, in 20 cities across Korea. Additionally, on January 1, 2009, he became a DJ for KBS1FM Yiruma's Music from All Around the World.

Family and Spouse 
Yiruma married Son Hye-Im on May 27, 2007.The song "27May" is about his marriage to Son Hye-Im. Son Hye-Im's younger sister is the Korean actress Son Tae Young, who attended Yiruma’s concert with her husband, Kwon Sang-Woo(权相佑), who is a famous actor in Korea,while she was pregnant. Yiruma and Son Hye-Im have a daughter, Loanna, whom the song "Loanna" was composed for and named after.

Musical Style
Yiruma's musical style can be classified as popular. One of his most popular songs River Flows in You, was re-packaged and placed on a compilation of wedding songs titled "Wedding Essentials: The Ceremony"Learning his songs is for the more dedicated piano player, yet the sheet music can be easily purchased or found online. Many of his songs have a rhythmic and melodious metre. Many measures of the sheet music have patterns which the audience and the pianist can discover. Although he has been placed into the genre of "Classical" by some listeners, he is actually considered a World Musicor New Age artist. Is it apparent in many of Yiruma's songs that there are some of the residues of classical influence in the note composition, yet Yiruma is not a classical Pianist.

Religious Afflication
Although New Age is not a religion, Yiruma has stated, “I’m Christian, and I am not a New-age artist". Most people misunderstand me.” In his album H.I.S Monologue (2006), the artist composed a song titled, “Lord...Hold my Hand”.

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Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

10 Manga Terlaris di Dunia

Tahun 2010 belum berakhir , tapi lembaga survey terkemuka Jepang, Oricon sudah menerbitkan daftar sepuluh manga terlaris. Survei dilakukan berdasarkan angka penjualan mulai 23 November 2009 hingga 23 Mei 2010. Judul-judul popular masih mendominasi chart dengan One Piece di posisi teratas.

1. One Piece karya Oda Eiichirou total penjualan 15.220.095 eksemplar
2. Naruto karya Kishimoto Mashasi total penjualan 4.178.597 eksemplar
3. Fairy Tail karya Mashimo Hiro total penjualan 3.616.942 eksemplar
4. Fullmetal Alchemist karya Arakawa Hiromu total penjualan 3.169.043 eksemplar5. Nodame Cantabile karya Ninomiya Tomoko total penjualan 3.029.300 eksemplar

6. Bleach karya Kubo Tite total penjualan 2.626.932 eksemplar
7. Kimini Todoke karya Shina Karuho total penjualan 2.533.556 eksemplar

8. Gintama karya Sorachi Hideaki total penjualan 2.376.060 eksemplar
9. Katekyo Hitman Reborn karya Amano Akira total Penjualan 2.083.508 eksemplar
10. Bakuman karya Tsuguumi Ohba & Obaata Takeshi total penjualan 1.574.448 eksemplar
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Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

10 Mangaka Jepang Yang Paling Hebat Tahun 2011

Oricon, sebuah lembaga riset marketing terkemuka di Jepang, pada awal Maret 2011 telah melansir  daftar 10 besar Mangaka Jepang. Daftar itu memuat Mangaka Jepang yang karyanya paling dinantikan para penikmat manga. Survei ini telah dilakukan pada tanggal 12-15 Februari melalui internet dengan total 600 responden yang dibagi rata berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Pooling ini membagi tiga kelompok usia responden, remaja, usia 20 tahunan, dan 30 tahunan.
  1. Yazawa Ai Yazawa telah menciptakan Kagen no Tsuki dan mencatatkan namanya lewat Nana. Manga tersebut mengisahkan perjalanan sukses band Black Stones yang digawangi Oosaki Nana. Sebelumnya sempat absen dari majalah Cookie karena Yazawa jatuh sakit, tetapi Nana masih dinanti pembaca cewek. Yazawa dalam 2dua tahun terakhir ini tetap bertahan pada urutan teratas dalam poling yang sama.
  2. Toriyama Akira Dragon Ball adalah karya besar yang telah  dikerjakannya lebih dari dua dekade silam. Favorit terbesarnya adalah cowok.
  3. Inoue Takehiko Mangaka bergaya realis ini menciptakan Slam Dunk. Manga ini kaya humor namun menyentuh, Saat ini Inoue sedang mengerjakan karya baru yang m,endapat dukungan dari Vagabond dan REAL.
  4. Adachi Mitsuru Mangaka H2, Natane, dan Cross Game selama ini mempunya karya manga yang sangat berkualiotas. Adachi terpilih berkat karyanya, Touch
  5. Togashi Yoshihiro Meski sering kurang aktif di Shonen Jump bukan berarti Hunter X Hunter kehilangan pembaca. Buktinya, sang mangaka masuk jajaran mangaka paling dinanti karyanya.
  6. Oda Eiichiro Mantan asisten Watsuki Nobuhiro (Rurouni Kenshin) ini sukses berkat serial yang kini telah mencapai ratusan chapter di Shonen Jump, One Piece.
  7. Urasawa Naoki Mangaka spesial serial thriller ini terkenal bukan karena Pluto, melainkan karena 20th Century Boys.
  8. CLAMP Kuarter mangaka asal Osaka ini. Kebiasaan buruk mereka, suka mendadak kehilangan mood meneruskan suatu serial. Selama ini CLAMP masih aktif mengerjakan Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE yang membuat nama mereka masuk daftar, meski kini sibuk dengan serial barunya, Kobato.
  9. Fujio F. Fujiko Pencipta Doraemon 30 tahun silam itu masih terus dikenang penggemar manga hingga kini. Meski telah sekian lama Doremon masih tetap banyak digemari. Nama Fuji bersanding dengan CLAMP di posisi 8.
  10. Tezuka Osamu Karya legendaris tokoh  manga ini, Atom Boy, merupakan pembuka jalan sukses anime dan manga di luar Jepang. Tahuin lalu posisinya berada dalam namun sekarang  melorot di posisi terakhir.
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Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Ck !

test test
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